A lot of scrappers are a bit cautious of using paint and embossing powders on their pages in case it doesn't go quite right, I know I am! Lou has created this great page where you can have a go at using both paint and powders before you actually add your photos and patterned papers.
You will need....
Fancy Pants Like Father Like Son papersAlphabet stickersAmerican Crafts Zing Embossing PowderBlack PenWhite CardstockAcrylic PaintSpray BottleHow To....
1. Spray a sheet of white cardstock with watered down acrylic paint.
2. Add your title to the bottom of the page using a mixture of letter stickers to vary the font.
3. Sprinkle the zing embossing powder over the title and lightly around the edge of the cardstock.
4. Use a heatgun to melt the powder but apply the heat from underneath the page, this stops the powder from being blown around the layout.
5. Once the zing was completely dry peel off the stickers and use a black fine pen to outline the letters.
6. Because the background is so busy keep the use of patterned paper to a minimum, cut the stars out of the
cards for the top left corner, and use strips of patterned paper to create a photo mat.
7. Add your journalling.
8. Machine stitch around the photo and around the edge of the LO in black to tie in with the black pen used for the journalling.

Pop back later in the week for more ideas of how you can use embossing powders on your scrapbook page.